Friday, February 29, 2008

I Wanna Grow A Peter!

Well, I do!

I giggled (couldn't help it) when I was leafing through the Jung seed catalog and first saw the picture of the Peter Pepper.

When I showed the picture to my 17 year old son and said, in a very serious tone, "I should grow that", He laughed and said, "You can't grow that! It looks like a...penis!" To which my daughter interjected, "You have to grow that! Can you imagine the look on peoples faces?"

From Victory Seeds: "Originally released commercially by the late H. W. Alfrey of Knoxville, Tennessee, he named the variety for its obvious similarity in appearance to a male anatomical part."

It was Rated "most pornographic" by Organic Gardening magazine.

Exactly! lol. There's other 'interesting' (ahem) veg I could grow, but right now I'm fascinated with the 'Peter'.

Yes, while gardeners all over the blogosphere are jabbering about daffodils and crocus, I'm yakking about growing pornographic veg...


thepowerguides said...

OMG that is to funny you know I have just looked it up and it does look like a penis


Tina said...

lol, exactly! But, my son is mortified that I'd even think of growing something like that, so it might be a year or two before we can kick him out and my daughter and I can go in the garden and giggle over a very silly plant.