I've gotten two batches of sauce so far this year.
Tried a new way of cooking the mess - roasting in the oven.
Much, much easier than stove top and a lot tastier!
Chopped and ready for the oven:
All roasted (425 for 1 hour, then 400 for another 3 to 4):
After being run through the food mill (You can just stick it in the blender, but the pickies at my house hate any skin or seed at ALL in their sauce):
Is really yummy. Or so the family says - I hate tomato sauce, so I wouldn't know! lol.
There isn't much left in the garden to harvest or get in the freezer.
I froze 6 cabbages and some more beans, including pole.
Blue Moon pumpkins are still going along well. I'll have a few of those to freeze for pies and bread.
Still waiting on the Ruby Queen sweet corn, brussel sprouts and popcorn.
Oh! The potatoes are fantastic this year. Woohoo!
The flowers have pretty much exhausted themselves, but there are still a few going strong. And i definitely have to save some seed from our "Christmas Tree Sunflower". How weirdly beautiful is this:
Random last of the flowers pics:
Happy growing! (what's left of the season, anyway)