OK, I'm sure everyone is done laughing at my Lavender faux pas by now.
I have about a dozen lavender sprouts on the plant stand (different type).
Now, I realize it's going to take them some time to even reach decent size, but I want to eventually plant them (yeah, if I don't kill them) at the end of the driveway, at the front edge of the patio - south facing (No, there isn't a flowerbed there as of right now, but come spring...) I want it to have an open-closed-in feel. As if it's a seperate space but still part of the complete picture. You gardeners will get what I mean.
I don't know what to plant with them. Anyone have any ideas? It's got to be flowers of some kind - no shrubs, Spirea (pink and white) will be on the west side, but come to think of it, I have no idea what to plant with those either! I do have some weirdo bushes that were given to me last summer. They look sort of like a mock orange and I looked them up, but don't remember what they are. Maybe I'll interplant those with the spirea. I'll figure it out eventually. Maybe portulaca.
On the third (back side) will be Pampas grass, giant sunflower, dahlia and whatever I can't fit in somewhere else.
Maybe this whole planting situation I've got going sounds completely wrong? Well, maybe it does. Ugh! If it does, quit slapping your foreheads, smack mine and help me!
The bed will be about 2 foot wide and 16 (I think?) feet long, but I have to leave an entrance somewhere. I've been keeping an eye on the foot traffic to decide where that opening will be and I can already tell that the oil delivery guy is gonna be a problem. :( You can't see anything under 3 foot of snow and I really hate fences, so I don't know what to do about that. Maybe containers on pedestals of some kind? He might be more likely to walk between them than around?
The bed will be well draining and mounded (per wishes of picky lavender).
But I have to figure out how not to over water (yeah, it's a habit) and I need something in there that I can pretty much ignore. I thought blue salvia (mainly because I can't kill it!) but I think not having any contrast would suck. I might put some variegated thyme in there and some basil (see a theme here?) but I want some color. I'm not adverse to pink, people! Suggest away. Something tall? (but skinny - I don't want to block off the front view) Really short? Lavish? Skimpy? Annual? Perennial? Ground cover? Something I can start from seed would be great!
Please suggest something. Anything.
It's making me nuts! I have never been this bothered about where to plant what. OK, I've never been a planner before, I've just let things 'happen', but this seems entirely different for some reason.
Oh, Caren! Kim! Yoohooo! Anyone?