There's really no other word to suit the amount of snow 3/4 of the way up the windows.
I'm not kidding. Man, it's dark in here!
Mondo lake effect before the storm, three feet during the storm, six inches of lake effect last night, and more on the way with no end of the nasty stuff in sight. Add some really fierce wind and...grrrr!
Watching the poor deer trying to lumber so ungracefully through drifts twice as tall as they are is heartbreaking. Especially when you realize how difficult it's going to be for them to dig through that depth to find something, anything, to eat. We've had one bedding down every night beneath our pear tree, but since this started, I haven't even seen so much as a footprint in our yard.
On the bright side, they can now get to tender branches that have been out of reach until this came along. And the kids are home for snow day number 3. Woohoo!
Now I get to snort at those people who say, "It's just some snow, what's the big deal?" Ummm, I dunno - wanna try opening any doors or looking out my windows? lol.
Well, we manage it every year, and usually it isn't such a big deal. But, this - four foot and still adding - is just ridiculous! I'll post a pic or two if I can get my daughter to take some with her phone for me (as long as you ignore my dirty windows!).
At least we didn't get the 42 inches Stratford and Fairfield did. Here are the snow totals for my area (unfortunately, it's only for Wednesday's amounts and not totals on the ground - that would be even scarier!): 2007 Nor'Easter.

I wasn't kidding! Although it was too bright out when T took the pics to see too much, that's the view out my living room window - the black line is the power lines at the street. I said it was deep!
The second pic is out the sliding glass doors (she had to get on tip-toe and point the camera downwards, so it isn't the best vantage point). My arbor is more than half gone...there are 2 three foot tall pots out there, one on each side, and you'd never know it, but there's a park bench directly beneath that arbor!