Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Plants on The Ground, Plants on The Ground

Come on - sing along!

Plants on the ground, plants on the ground,
Lookin' like a fool with your plants on the ground.
Bags full of soil, pots dumped sideways,
Lookin like a fool with yer plants on the ground.

(you sang along, right?)

I'm planning that spring rush. You know, when you twiddle your fingers all winter long just waiting for spring to get here and suddenly it's as if a starter gun has gone off but you're already a mile behind first place before you've even left the starting line.

So much to get done in such a short span of time! It happens every single spring.
And, like every other year, I'm determined to win this race with a plan.
It never pans out, but hey, at least I got a plan.

First on the list - get all those perennial plants I bought for a couple of pennies at the clearance sales last fall INTO the ground. I'm determined this year not to just let them sit there, in their pots, on the ground, giving sidelong glances and muttering, "Yeah, I'll get to you. Eventually."

They are being planted first!
Ok, after I get the beds prepped and get done dealing with the Winter Sown stuff. Oh, and get the cole crops into the veg garden and deal with dead wood and weed and . . .

The best laid plans of mice and men.
Yeah, some thing just never change.

Happy (plants on the ground) growing!


Moonstone Gardens said...

Your rewording of the song was hilarious. I, too, have many "plants on the ground". And I also make great plans for the spring rush and never keep up.

Tina said...

Hi, Cindee,
Thanks for dropping by!
I hope that song isn't stuck in your head ;)
Isn't it always the way with us gardeners? The hurrier I go . . .

Anonymous said...

Great song. I did sing along (in my head at least). I know what you mean about procrastinating. I get plants from friends and am all excited about my new additions, but end up leaving them in water for days before I get around to putting them in pots or in the ground (as opposed to just leaving them "on the ground")