Saturday, November 11, 2006

Itching for dirty fingers

I'm feeling like a real slacker this fall.
My friends give me the leftover yarn from their projects every year and I make mittens for the Rescue Mission. There is usually enough scrap to make many pair. Last year I made and gave 22 pair, but this year = 0.

Ugh! No one seems to have done any knitting or crocheting this year. Maybe I'm not the only slacker! I'm not sure whether to be angry with me or them. Now, how rude is that to be mad at your friends for not buying yarn and having leftovers? Of course, if I'd had gotten the Fleur-Dis-Monster finished I'd have some leftover to use.

I keep staring and sifting through the few packs of Dollar Store seed I have for Winter Sowing this year.
A few months ago I was depressed because fall was rushing on, now I can't wait for January to get here so I can start playing in dirt and cutting up containers. No, Father Time, I am never satisfied! Either slow down or hurry up, would ya?

I had all the packs organized so I'd know what I was planting when, but I just can't leave well enough alone, so now I'm disorganized again from rifling through them and daydreaming. What is it that's so appealing about handling seed packets? It's almost as good as sex! Ok, I take that back, lost my mind for a second there.

I finally had a minute to thumb through the copy of Forest Farm catalog I got a while ago. Their pricing is odd. Some things are outrageously expensive, yet some things seem (to me) to be dirt cheap. I don't have the money to buy any of this stuff, but it's nice to read descriptions and dream all winter. I still haven't figured out where I signed up for the free copy, so I might have to go on a free catalog hunt again. Like I need more to drool over.

I just can't get the shock of this out of my mind. I was over reading EAL's blog the other day and she'd posted something I found very, very disturbing, to say the least. It was something I found so outrageous in this day and age I even had to ask her if it was a joke. Here's the complete story: Houston Chronicle . I honestly don't even know what to say about people like this.


Colleen Vanderlinden said...

Me too, Tina!! Practically counting the days until seed-starting time!

By the way, in my daydreaming, I was going through all of the seeds I saved from my garden this year. I have WAY too many to use next year, and none of my friends or family are even remotely interested in sowing seeds.

I have some:
orange cosmos
zinnia (mixed colors and varieties)
purple coneflower 'Magnus'
'Grandpa Ott' morning glories

If you're interested in any, drop me a line over at ITGO and we'll work on getting them to you.

Sissy said...

Hey Tina, I might try the winter sowing thing, if you want, we can swap lists and see what I got you want and what you got I want.

Sissy said...

oh! I forgot to mention about Forest Farm.
The shipping is outrageous! I cannot believe they can charge so much!

Tina said...

so I'm not the only crazy one? Yahoo! lol.
Thank you so, so much for the generous offer! That was absolutely grand of you! Kim, over at has offered to send me some of her leftovers. It's like waiting for Christmas, I tell ya!
(Shhh...I'm bouncing in my seat with inpatience and excitement, but don't tell her!) lol. Gardeners are the best.

holy crikey! I never even bothered to look at the shipping since I can't order anyway, but you're right! Insane!

I'd love to swap with you, but right now, I just can't afford it. There are many swapper over at GardenWeb though. Try checking into some of their lists. They're usually pretty long. lol.