Sunday, February 11, 2018

Fighting Back

I haven’t posted in quite a while. Unfortunately, my husband passed in 2014 and I spiraled into such a dark hole of grief that my immune system went to pretty much nothing and numerous underlying medical conditions had a chance to flourish. Including Fibromyalgia.

I’ve lost the ability to quilt. This is the hobby that hurts the most to have to give up for right now. I say ‘right now’ because I refuse to give up. I’ve had severe carpal tunnel for years that didn’t stop me. I’ve finally had the surgery for that. It turned out to be a mistake. I should have simply dealt with the pain as I have all these years. But I am determined to teach my hands to hold that needle and quilt again!

For now, the hobbies hold to cakes (which I’m loving!) and playing with the Instant Pot my children got together and bought me for my birthday. It’s pretty groovy! 😆 And growing things. Ahhhh, growing things! This makes me so, so, freaking happy! I got seeds in the mail from Renee’s! Yay! That means spring is just around the corner. Can’t you almost smell it?

Oh, and I forgot to mention, my Mrs. Cavendish’s Garden peacock quilt won a first place blue ribbon at the state fair in 2014. I should be ecstatic about it, and I would be, if my soulmate hadn’t been taken from me on opening day. When your heart is ripped to pieces, nothing seems important.

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